0 minutes Less than a minute read

BMW Driver High Centers His Car

Annnnd it’s stuck #baddriver #bmw pic.twitter.com/CWAr08veFw — Bad Drivers (@BadDriverVideos) December 24, 2016 I snapped this picture while visiting Santana Row in San Jose, Ca. Somehow this BMW driver missed…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

Woman Gets Her BMW Booted And Drives Off Anyway

I’ve always wondered what would happen in this situation. Im betting the damages to her car are going to be more than the fine, but now she’ll have to pay…..

0 minutes Less than a minute read

And He Didnt Even Leave A Note

Turns out the BMW X5 performs almost as well as a monster truck. You can almost hear the driver say “fuck it, im outta here”

0 minutes Less than a minute read

Kid Wrecks Dad’s BMW M3

Don’t worry about it kid, Im sure daddy’s black card can fix that right up for you but nothing is going to take the sting out of that epic FACEPALM……